Ozark Center Observes World Suicide Prevention Day
Duis volutpat sollicitudin ante ac hendrerit. Proin tellus mi, eleifend non venenatis sit amet, ullamcorper at ligula. Nunc molestie dolor amet.
Duis volutpat sollicitudin ante ac hendrerit. Proin tellus mi, eleifend non venenatis sit amet, ullamcorper at ligula. Nunc molestie dolor amet.
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes empor quis congue in, interdum eget tortor. Vivamus aliquam dictum lacus quis tincidunt. Phasellus rhoncus ante sollicitudin nisl consectetur ultricies.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes empor quis congue in, interdum eget tortor. Vivamus aliquam dictum lacus quis tincidunt. Phasellus rhoncus ante sollicitudin nisl consectetur ultricies.
Donec venenatis, eros scelerisque volutpat fringilla, mi diam varius ligula, in eleifend lectus est fermentum lorem. Duis volutpat sollicitudin ante ac hendrerit.
Liz Szabo and Greg Toppo USA TODAY Parents who want their kids to succeed have been known to play Mozart in the nursery and quiz their preschoolers with flash cards. A new study suggests these parents might want to go back to the basics by teaching children to share and take turns. Kindergartners with strong…
By Emma Raizman, MD | 7/7/15 7:00 a.m. Cyberbullying, like any bullying, often involves mean behavior: threats, harassment and negative comments that can demean or embarrass a child or teen. It happens online in texts, emails, video game chats and social media like Facebook and Twitter. Kids do fight with each other sometimes, but it’s considered…
We’re nearly one-fifth of the way through the 21st century, and mental illness researchers are finding good old-fashioned texting may help patients get through their recovery better than new-fangled smartphone apps. Doctors are working smarter, not harder, when they can incorporate effective treatment methods into a patient’s existing lifestyle. In this regard, texting is one the…
Recent deaths inspire officials to focus on helping students BY RICHARD THOMPSON rthompson@theadvocate.com After the deaths this semester of five students, including three who apparently committed suicide, officials at Tulane University are working to get the Uptown campus talking about mental health. They also are trying to remove social barriers that may keep some students…
Funds will make Newtown and CT schools safe under Obama’s “Now is the Time” plan to reduce gun violence and increase mental-health services. From the Office of Gov. Dannel Malloy: GOV. MALLOY: STATE WINS GRANT TO MAKE SCHOOLS SAFER, HEALTHIER PLACES TO LEARN Additional Funds Awarded for School Emergency Operations Plans …
From staff reports UW-Eau Claire psychology professor Jennifer Muehlenkamp recently received a three-year $304,029 Campus Suicide Prevention grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to help educate the campus community on how to recognize the signs of suicide, depression and anxiety in students. Muehlenkamp specializes in understanding and preventing suicidal and non-suicidal…